At Woodcroft we employ three speech therapists who are based on-site. Their work relates to an individual’s understanding, expressive abilities, learning potential, emotional well being and independence. Eating and drinking ability is covered too.
How SaLT works
We work with the child and the community around them to formulate a Learning Journey based on shared aims. Assessment involves observation, discussion and formal and informal appraisal with the child. There is always consideration of the community and settings of the pupil’s daily life. The Learning Journey is jointly set with the determined aim of giving the child and those around them a better quality of life. It is important that the Learning Journey impacts where it is needed most.
Stage 1. – Universal Support
This forms the base of a triangle of support: looking at the environment the child is living in, identifying what works most effectively and deciding how to build on this. Universal support also involves studying relevant adults’ interaction styles and sharing what works for the child. Once this is achieved we move onto stage 2.
Stage 2. – Targeted Support
This identifies the child’s areas of strength and establishes a Learning Journey to build on these skills.
Stage 3. – Specialist Support
This requires more specialist SaLT intervention, which is approached with greater urgency.
The SCERTS framework
SCERTS stands for Social Communication, Emotional Regulation and Transactional Supports. Social Communication is the interaction with those around you. Emotional Regulation is how you understand and cope with your feelings. Transactional Supports looks at the environment and the interaction style of those around you.
SCERTS is having an increasing effect in the world of autism. It now shapes how we work with children who have been diagnosed with autism as well as providing elements of therapy for those who haven’t. It is a framework that looks at a child’s strengths and then aims to build on them. An individualised programme that seamlessly integrates with other approaches is a perfect fit for the holistic, educational ethos at Woodcroft. The Woodcroft SaLT team feels that SCERTS addresses the need to look at the world around the young person and helps them gain not only academic skills but also an emotional wellbeing that is vital for their future happiness.
What you can expect from SaLT at Woodcroft
- Joint working
- To feel supported
- To be kept informed
- Evidence based practise
- Training
- Modelling of approaches
- Resources
- Home visits
- An integrated approach
- A forward thinking service that is constantly evolving
Indirect SaLT input
Indirect input is not face to face with the young person, for example:
- Training for staff and community around the young person
- Expert parent/carer programme
- Opportunities to network with other parents
- Accredited training e.g. Elklan approved training
- Off site visits/support
- Regular meetings
- Resource making
Direct SaLT input
Direct input involves direct face to face contact with the young person, for example:
- Assessment
- Using good examples of communication
- Therapy embedded into curriculum areas
One to one input
The SaLT team offers one-to-one therapy when a new skill that is specific to the individual is being addressed and an adult working on a daily basis with the young person is present. This skill will then quickly be introduced to the young person’s daily routine and the one-to-one approach faded out. This encourages generalisation of skills outside of one isolated setting.