It is the policy of the school that all pupils are treated with care and respect. Behaviour support plans are discussed, agreed and monitored regularly. Classroom staff are trained in Team Teach behaviour support strategies. These promote de-escalation in order to reduce risk and restraint and promote positive relationships.
Other positive behaviour management strategies are also used, including praise for achievement and the recognition of positive effort. Our behaviour support team provides support across the school and off-site. The team also monitors and responds to incidents of challenging behaviour. A copy of our Behaviour management policy is available on the Policies page.
Woodcroft is committed to making placements a success and to providing support to ensure attendance at school wherever possible. However, some forms of extreme disruptive behaviour may require preventative measures, such as physical intervention or temporary or permanent removal from class or school. Such extreme behaviours include those causing serious or persistent risk to the welfare of pupils themselves or others, serious damage to property, or severe disruption of learning. A copy of our Pupil exclusion policy is available on the Policies page.