Autumn term 2020

Woodcroft is providing full time places for all pupils this term – welcome back everyone.

There may be some changes to our curriculum or activities and special safety measures will be in place. Please contact the school office if you would like more information.

Updated Thursday 26th March

Woodcroft School will remain open as part of the the UK government’s plan to provide support for vulnerable children.

We are liaising with parents and carers, staff and our sending authorities on a regular basis about the arrangements for the coming days and weeks. We expect to remain open during our regular term time. Meanwhile, parents and carers are advised to contact local authority transport providers if they have questions relating to home-school transport. Woodcroft’s own home-school transport service will operate where required, although there may be delays. Parents and carers of pupils using this service  are requested to call the school office after 08:00 for confirmation of the collection time.


On Wednesday 18 March the UK Department for Education announced that ‘Schools will close from Monday, except for children of key workers and vulnerable children’. They recognised that ‘many special schools and residential settings will need to continue to look after their pupils’. In defining vulnerable children they mentioned those with Education, Health and Care Plans, which applies to all pupils at Woodcroft. The new restrictions on movement and contact announced on Monday 23rd do not apply to critical workers, including those working in schools that remain open to provide for vulnerable children.

We will update this page as relevant new information becomes available. Meanwhile, parents and carers should contact the school office with any specific queries.