
The school welcomes enquiries at any time and arrangements to visit can be made for pupils, parents and representatives from local authorities. The basis for admission is that the child’s needs are met by the provision at Woodcroft and that there is a vacancy in an appropriate class group. Following a referral by the pupil’s local authority, the head teacher makes a decision on suitability in consultation with senior management.

The provision for education and welfare described in this website is aimed at ensuring that the requirements of Education, Health and Care plans, transitional Statements of Special Educational Needs and assessment placements are fully met. Provision for pupils for whom English is an additional language is available on request from the head teacher.

Fees are the responsibility of the local authority and are payable one term in advance. Authorities wishing to transfer a pupil to another school must give one term’s notice in writing.

More details are available from the school office on request. The school’s Admissions policy can be found on the Policies page and we are also happy to answer any questions you may have.